SUBJECT:  Student's Role and Participation in Institutional

POLICY NO.:  1:2E:15:05                   DATED:  March 30, 1994

SUPERSEDES POLICY NO.:  None              DATED:

Upon matriculation, students become members of the University community with 
a significant interest in the decision-making process of the institution.  As 
such, their role as active participants in University governance is assured 
through the establishment of the Constitution of the Student Government 
Association.  All full-time and part-time students are eligible for membership 
and have voting privileges in elections for representative seats.  The three
branches, (1) the Executive branch, (2) the Legislative branch, and (3) the 
Judicial branch will provide organization to administer the affairs of the 
Association and conduct business for the greater welfare of the student body. 
The Student Government Association will provide a forum for public debate of 
issues of general interest to students.  When appropriate, the Student
Government Association will make formal recommendations to the President of 
the University on these matters.  In addition, the Association will interact 
with other constituencies of the University community as representatives of 
the student body.

Students will be participating members of the several committees of the 
University, except those involving personnel decisions, and faculty tenure 
and promotion matters.  Student Government Association will provide 
recommendations to the President and Vice President for Student Educational
Services for student membership on these committees. 

The Tennesseee Board of Regents provides for a student member, and a 
University of Memphis student may be selected periodically for that office. 
The student will represent the interests of all students in the State 
University System under the Tennessee Board of Regents.
It is the obligation of the students, as members of this academic community, 
to be informed and involved in the issues affecting the greater good of the 

The Vice President for Student Educational Services and Vice Provost for 
Enrollment Services will be responsible for developing procedures to 
implement this policy.